How To Secure Your Wordpress Blog

I have had two WordPress blogs hacked into in the past. That was at a time when I was doing very little internet marketing, and until I found time to address the situation (months later), these sites were penalised in the search engines. They were not removed, but the rankings were reduced.

How viable would your website or business be if parts of your database were to simply disappear ? Let's look at what you need to do to implement secure your wordpress website cloning, and how it can help your general that is WordPress security .

After spending a few days and hitting a few spots around town, I eventually find a cafe that offers free, unsecured Wi-Fi and to my pleasure, there are tons of folks sitting around each day connecting their laptops to the"free" Internet services. I sit down and use my handy dandy cracker tool that is Wi-Fi and log myself into people's computers. Bear in mind, they are all on a shared network.

Maintain control of your assets - Nothing is worse than having your livelihood in the hands of someone else. Why take chances with something as important as your site?

Now we're getting into things specific to WordPress. You have to rename it to config.php and visite site alter the file config-sample.php, when you install WordPress. You need to set up the database facts there.

There is another problem you have with WordPress. People know they also could just drop by with your login form and where they can login and try outside a different combination of user accounts and passwords. So as to prevent this from happening you need to set up Login Lockdown. It is a plugin that only lets users attempt to login with a wrong password three times. Following that the IP address will be banned from the server for a certain amount of time.

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